Monday 22 December 2008

Merry Xmas

Last Wednesday i had a crash on my bus....a good crash, i wiped out a Land rover freelander after walloping it in the back. Anyway, the crash was caused by a black Peugeot 306 going through a red light at about 40 mph and the land rover slamming on so it never got broad sided. I found out that a bus doesn't stop as quickly as a car!! the police werent going to come as they considered it not worthy enough, until the chap in the land rover told them that he wanted them down as there were injuries and he also mentioned he was an ex high ranking police officer. When the police came we told them that the passenger in the land rover had managed to get the number of the peugeot, they checked it out and it was local to Hull. I was informed that as he had made off it was an arrestable offence for him as there were injuries and he hadnt left any details.
The police telephoned me on the night to say that they had been round to his house but he wasnt in(suprise suprise, i wonder if he had had a drink) and they had left a letter for him to contact him time to get his story together. yesterday i gets a call back, he had contacted them and told them that it was a momentary lack of concentration and he must have seen the green filter light and thought this was the light for him to proceed so they werent going to prosecute him but just ask him to take a driver improvement course. the good news came next........................I was also going to be sent on one too as in their opinion i hadnt left enough room to stop!!! I was going through a traffic light which was on green, the car infront had no hazards infront of him so i had no reason to think he would perform an emergency stop, the road was greasy and some twat had just come through a red light, but NO im in the wrong. summat stinks me thinks. the guy in the peugeot has FAILED TO STOP AFTER AN ACCIDENT, FAILED TO OBSERVE A TRAFFIC SIGNAL, and by his own admission never saw the red light, which to my mind is DRIVING WITHOUT DUE CARE AND ATTENTION. i wonder what he does for a living? police officer maybe? I also want to know how i can be sent on a course when they never took any measurements at the scene so how do they know wha\t my distance or speed was as the police themselves said that there were contributing factors as to why i never stopped in time.

Saturday 13 December 2008

Ho Ho Ho

Today James went to bransholme centre and whilst he was there he noticed there was a roadshow type thing from KCFM. He heard them say something about a secret santa and if you approached him and said ho ho ho you got £50. So James being James thought, I will have some of that, he heard that santa would be around in about an hour and a half so he hung around for an hour and a half. He spotted the santa and went up to him and in his best christmas voice said Ho Ho Ho, santa turned around and said back Ho Ho Ho. Where is my fifty quid thought James, The answer was..... there was no fifty quid cos the secret santa will be around in a weeks time!!!!! what a wally.

Monday 8 December 2008

Nearly sweet revenge.

I forgot to mention on here the rugby match that took place last week between Bilton sullys and Beverley braves, James now plays for sullys and it was Beverley that he played for previously and where he was coming home crying with frustration every week because he was being totally overlooked and basically told he was rubbish by the new coach. Well anyway, Sullys are no world beaters and Beverley seem to think they are a bit above most teams in the league and winning is the be all and end all of it for them.
The game itself looked like being a walkover when at about 15 minutes to kick off we only had 11 players with some leaving it late to arrive whilst Beverley were going through their paces in warm up and looking very sharp. Sullys warm up was a bloody mess, for some reason they couldnt even pass a ball along the line without dropping it and I must admit I feared the worst, Anyway when the game started sullys got a breakaway and one of the lads went full length of the pitch to touchdown and with the kick successful we led 6-0. James was having his usual steady game that he has been putting in lately, nothing flashy but just a good solid game, he tackled well, he ran the ball in well and even blocked a good kick through from one of beverleys representative players and made a good break. I was really proud of him and he never took a backward step all game against a team that obviously gave him a little bit of stick cos they knew him. Beverley came back and led 18-6 at half time and I was really dreading the second half because the biggest tool in their armour is their fitness which isnt a big plus for sullys. Well, with 5 minutes to go the score was Beverley 18 Bilton 16 and we really had them worried, we had a 4 man overlap on one wing but one of our players tried to go up the middle instead of throw the ball out wide for what would have been a certain try. Beverley scored a late try and finally won 22-16 But the performance was brilliant and the lads really tried their best. At the end the coach of beverley came up to me shook my hand and said your lad had a good game, i said yeah thats what can happen when you dont have all the confidence knocked out of you and you play with a bit of belief. he just looked down and walked away.

Sunday 7 December 2008


i read a letter in the hull daily mail a few days ago saying how buses should be restricted to 15 mph around the city centre because the crossing near st stephens is very dangerous. this letter went on to say that the writer had seen a young mum pushing a pram across the crossing having to rush across the road because a bus came from round the blind bend and had to slam his brakes on for the woman, whom he said was crossing on a red light.
Now let me pick this to pieces, firstly, the crossing isnt dangerous as it probably gives pedestrians the longest crossing time of any crossing in hull, a good 2 minutes at least, secondly what a bloody idiot for crossing on a red light, and not only for herself but also pushing a pram and not only was she stupid for doing this on a red light but also when at the writers own admission there is a blind bend!!! I wouldnt mind knocking her over and killing her but i might get a bit upset at killing the kid. A little further into the letter he said about how yes he knows people shouldnt cross on red lights, but they do!!!! what a sodding stupid thing to say. How often as a driver am I sat at a crossing on a red light with absolutely nothing coming? but do I think oh bollocks im not waiting im going to go i dont so why if people are stood at a crossing with a blind bend do they think it safe to cross, PILLOCKS. about a year ago there was a lad killed at the junction of ferensway and brook street, aparently he was playing chicken with the buses as i heard, for a few weeks later there were flowers pinned to the railings and people were still dodging across in front of buses at the exact spot. I lose count at the number of times each day i have to brake or sound my horn at pedestrians crossing on red lights without even looking or even bothered by the presence of an approaching bus. these are bloody big vehicles and it isnt as if we can sneak up on you.

Saturday 6 December 2008

The Rev Luke Smith

Everyone here knows my views on religion so it must come as a total shock that I am actually praising a vicar. Last Monday I had the misfortune to attend my second funeral since September, this time was for Gary, My sister in laws former boyfriend and the dad of her two children. Anyway, the same vicar was taking the service as did the last one, my dads. This vicar is an absolutely marvellous man and does the service in such a way that takes all the grief out of it and he has a very calming manner.
But the main reason I am writing this is because of one sentence that he said. Quite often I have heard it said, if there is a god why does he let people suffer so much (Gary died of cancer and really suffered) and I have heard all the answers by religious people of god works in mysterious ways, and it is all part of his plan etc etc, But to me this is just obviously people trying to guess or to justify their belief in "god".
But no The Rev Smith said "People often ask me how can god do this, how can he let people suffer". And the next thing he said was brilliant, it was so simple and was the first time I have heard a vicar answer it with such clarity. He simply said...."I answer them by saying, I don't know, I have no answer". He was honest and didn't try to "fob us off" with a well worn guess at why.
now if there were more vicars like him there might be more people in the congregation.
I said to him outside the chapel, this is the second funeral you have done the service for that I have attended in the last few months, please don't take it the wrong way but i hope its a bloody long time before I see you again. He remembered my dads funeral......ah yes he said, the miserable old so and so, I remember......................That's my kind of vicar.