Tuesday 30 October 2007

Utter devastation

We have today started to have our new central heating installed, what a bloody mess the house is, this could possibly have had something to do with the fact that I had to knock part of a wall out at the same time so that they could put pipes behind the plaster board wall so as to make the job tidier. It was always the plan to knock out this wall (and heating cupboard) when the heating was in, as it is going to be part of the kitchen, and not a hallway and kitchen as it is now, but I didn't expect to be doing it whilst they were actually putting in radiators and gas piping, We get the new kitchen in in December just before Xmas, and at the same time all the kitchen and dining area and new bit(old hallway) are getting a tiled floor layed, we are getting the gas meter moved from the meter point in the porch/shed to an area outside and in front of the shed, the shed/porch will then be knocked into one big room and this is going to be used as a utility room, the washer and dryer will be out there along with a chest freezer and a few of the units from our present kitchen. We have workmen coming to lay the bearers for our new shed which is getting erected on Friday, i should then be able to start filling it.
Ah well its all good fun here just a bloody lot of dust.

Monday 29 October 2007

two faced b**tard

I remember a night spent in a little country pub with one of my relatives (no name no pack drill) I said to this relative you will have to find a nice young lady and settle down maybe have kids, to which the reply went something along the lines of, not me im not an idiot, i like the single life too much, no woman is gonna run my life, im not having ankle biters running around the place making a mess keeping me up all the night.
Well suprise suprise i just got a phone call from an expectant grandmother, and a soon to be mother inlaw to boot to tell me that this two faced sod is expecting a child (well his FIANCE is anyway). So I think that is a pint you owe me very very soon for spinning so much shit and lying through your back teeth about what you really wanted out of life!!!!

Monday 22 October 2007

great weekend.

We have just got back from Tracy's brother, Kev, house, we went for the weekend. they live in Sleafood so we don't see as much of each other as we would like, we stopped off in Lincoln on the way down there and had a walk around the high street and the shops. Never actually realised how nice it is there, when i used to deliver in Lincoln city centre i never actually looked around and when we have gone before we have just really done the touristy thing of castle and so on, so it made it nice to actually look at the real Lincoln.

Tracy bought a coat which was £60, but with her students discount(she is back at uni for about 4 months doing a nursing thingy) she only paid £51.

When we arrived at Kev and Tracy's (she is Tracy too) we watched the rugby league match and during the rugby union international we had a beautiful Thai takeaway and a few beers.

Sunday we went to Skegness so that their dogs could have a run along the beach, weather was absolutely brilliant it was hard to believe we are nearly in November, there was no wind and the temperatures were just nice, we had a nice meal on the night and then sat chatting over about 4 or 5 bottles of wine. I think it did Tracy good to get away, she has had a very stressful week at work and with all the work we are having done in the house she is a little stressed out right now.

We had to come home earlyish this morning because Tracy(mine) was back at work this afternoon, I was in no rush because i have just been given another sick note for two more weeks on sick, that makes a month now.....yippee.... i have been having trouble with my back, doctor said last time she thought it was a disc, Tracy said she thinks it may be a disc trapping a nerve as my legs keep going cold and feeling dead.

Ah well better get off now, got the kids to sort, going to see Hull City v Barnsley tonight with James, lets hope the tigers manage to finish the weekend off in style.
We didnt take our dog with us because the other two dogs may have seen it as a threat to their territory, so our next door neighbour looked after him all weekend.

Saturday 20 October 2007

She isnt the brightest.

Went to the mother in laws last night, it is her birthday today so we took her cards around. I took my digital camera as well because she has got some coalport figures she wants me to sell on e bay for her, she has 7 in total and should bring about £200 at least. Anyway i takes the pictures and thinks nothing more of it until i got home and said to tracy "I havent got the names of all those figures" But we are going away for the weekend so they wont be going onto e bay until monday so i wasnt too bothered.
Telephone rings this morning at 7:25 am (mother in law is awake so everyone must be)!!
Tracy mentions to her that we havent got the names for the figures, to which she replies............................"Its ok all the names are on the bottom of all the figures"!!!!! Imagine my amusement when i was told this, how the bloody hell can we look under the photo to see the bases? answers on a postcard to.........................................

Sunday 14 October 2007

Meet George

This is George, he is the latest addition to our clan. we got him yesterday from a rescue kennels near York. However, even though he was in a rescue he wasnt an ill treated or abandoned dog. He was given to them following a family break up so he has been well cared for.

He is a pedigree labrador puppy and is only 8 months old. Tracy had begun to look at a couple of dogs in the paper after we lost our last dog on valentines day and it looked like she was about ready to want one again.

She was after a chocolate labrador but then was told that they were prone to a lot of health problems so went off the idea, after a little bit of trawling the internet i stumbled across plantation kennels at high catton near York. We at first saw another dog which was a x labrador called Ruby, But then saw George.

In the paper labrador puppies were going for between 300 and 500 pounds each, so when i asked the girl on the telephone what the prices of the dogs were and was told all dogs are sold for £100 i was more than happy. Plus the fact that George has been Neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, wormed and flead, it seemed like good business to me.

Obviously it will take some time for us to get used to him and vice versa, the only thing is we were told he was house trained, what we didnt realise was what this meant!!!! the boys took him for a walk this morning and he never had a wee outside but as soon as he walked in through the door he weed!!!!!!!!! ah well thank goodness for laminate flooring.

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Utter disgrace

I heard on the radio yesterday that Widnes RL have gone into administration, they have obviously ploughed so much into the pot to try and gain promotion to super league that it has sent them over the edge. If a team such as Widnes are in danger of folding what does this say for the chances of other traditional clubs like doncaster, batley, featherstone and the like. I know from bitter experience how hard it is to battle back from the brink as Rovers did it but it took a bloody long time. The difference then was that we still had the dream of once again getting to the top table of rugby, but even this has just about been taken away from teams now with the franchise system coming in after this season. I have always said i don't particularly like Rovers being in Super league.........don't get me wrong, its good to play against the best, but I'm very worried that if SKY find another more lucrative product we will be dropped to fend for ourselves, they have already proved they are not bothered about the lower league sides, to them it is just a business and super league is the be all and end all of it. OK you may say they did put cash into the lower leagues this season and screened games, but really, one game a week on a bloody Thursday, who bothered to turn on for this except fans of the featured teams. So i really do fear for the game that i love so much and god help us when SKY pull out cos we will all be knackered.
They are trying to expand the game but it is expanding at the expense of where it has thrived for the past 100 and odd years, i dont see this as progress. Lets see how many of the new clubs are still around in 20 years time

Wednesday 3 October 2007

My Manifesto

Hello, been a while since i last published on here but i thought this subject needed Phil's spin on it.
All the political parties seem to be warming up for an inevitable general election, the prime minister only yesterday said they would be bringing 1000 troops back from Iraq before Xmas, a vote winner they hope, the Tories have said inheritance tax will be scrapped on the first £1M, and i believe it was them that said they would scrap stamp duty for first time buyers up to a certain value (not sure what that was it has slipped my mind ). and the lib dems have come out with little gems as well.
Well lets have a look at a couple of things that would make a difference..............education...lets get rid of the league tables that exist now and let the teachers actually teach and not perform so it makes the school look good. let teachers teach kids at a speed that helps the kids and doesn't just fit in with targets.
any disruptive kids in a class should be subject to a "three strikes and you re out" strategy. if they are disruptive, warn them, the second time the parents should be involved and the third time, lets put them in holding cells where they are in touch with the teacher via a video screen so if they want to mess about they will only disrupt themselves and no one else. if this doesn't help, send them to a secure unit where they are taught by a very strict regime, a sort of short sharp shock. I'm sure this would stop a lot of the messing we have now.
Prisons.........if anyone is sentenced to a time in prison, let them serve it!!!! never mind time off for good behaviour, if they are sentenced to 5 years, let them serve 5 years and then look at good behaviour, if they haven't caused any trouble let then let them out. if they have been a pain start to add time on for each offence inside.
lets stop all the privileges, why should a prisoner get access to a playstation, colour tv, gym etc etc. lets make it tough so they don't want to go back.
lets give the court more powers to impose stricter sentences.
Benefits.........lets start to look if people actually need everything they are getting, you try and claim disability allowances right now and you are scrutinised very closely by a doctor, you claim for something as an unemployed person and if you know how to play the system you will sail through, all money paid to claimants for living expenses should be paid direct to the apprpriate organisation. ie rent/mortgage, gas electric etc. all that should be left after this should be money for food, which should be paid via a debit card system and this has to have a photo on it so that people could not trade them for cash. all groceries must be purchased by way of this card. any person on benefits needing clothes should have to apply to a social security office to prove they actually need them, and they should be directed to govt warehouses where they would be given clothes made by prisoners, this would also help the prison budget because they would be paid for this as a proper business. this might seem harsh on people in need but if they are in need they would be grateful. why should us as tax payers pay for a skivers luxuries and for their kids designer clothes and brand new mobile phones. im sure this would cut the unemployment total very quickly, and also lets see how many assylum seekers would want to stay here when we arent a soft touch. allow a family on benefits a small amount of cash each week so they can pay for things that crop up. ie bus fares and small treats, lets be a little generous with them, they deserve a little treat but not the massive hand outs they are given now. how many unemployed people got to the pub and bingo every night, this isnt what benefits should be paid for.
There are lots of other things i could touch on but this would do for a start....................discuss