Wednesday 10 September 2008

How could I let it pass

says it all really. no need to add anything hee hee hee hee


This is probably the best photo of me and Dad together, in fact its probably one of the only ones!! It was taken at James christening in the green man pub (the party, not the service) and it is how i want to remember him and not as he became towards the end. And it is also how i hope everyone remembers me and not as i have become !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 8 September 2008

Thanks Dad

Dad finally passed away sunday night/monday morning after what seemed like a very long time of just existing in the nursing home.
I just want to say thank you for instilling in me values which i hope i will always keep, i.e work hard, look after your family and always stand your corner just to name a few....... but most of all thanks for being able to call you dad for 45 years of my life.