Wednesday 23 April 2008


I'M BACK...........
You didn't think I would let today pass without commenting on it did you?
no one is more proud to be English than me (even if by some nasty accident on daddies side i am part Scottish)
We are watching this country go to the dogs, inflation, credit crunch, unemployment, immigration, crime, just to name a few things. Anyway I'm still proud to be English and I always will be, I noticed today how more and more radio and TV stations are doing pieces regarding st Georges day, Is this the start of us English fighting back. For so long we have been told we have to be quiet so as not to offend people and I think that at long last we might be starting to realise that we do have a right to be heard, I think we should start to see parades and events springing up over the next few years after all we do celebrate st Patrick's day and as an Englishman this offends me, why should we celebrate someone Else's day and not ours I'm not a bloody paddy (thank god, cant imagine anything worse) bloody independence day rammed down our throats and you know my view on the bastard yanks.